April 22, 2012

Rainy Days....

The last ten days were crazy with weather.  First we had rain, rain, rain.  The first several rainy days were jam-packed with trips to costco, carrot soup, indoor bouncing before bedtime, a visit to the San Jose Children's Discovery Museum, playing with Amelia's new favorite toy - My Little Ponies, playdates, a birthday party at BounceU (now Fun Faar), and me trying my hand at a sideways french braid.  Here are some pics that speak for themselves!

My Little Ponies....

Audrey's first legitimate trip to the Children's Discovery Museum.  (Her first trips she spent sleeping in the baby carrier last year).

 Bouncing before bedtime - loving the rainy days...

Carrot soup.  Who knew?  we had so many carrots left over...

Costco. One of the best places on Earth.  They love the double basket.  and the samples.

 Amelia is learning patience while mommy is learning tricky braids = not quite perfect (YET!)

Fun Faar Birthday Party - gotta love the group photos.

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