May 14, 2012

Visit to San Diego

While Brad was on a golf trip, the girls and I flew down to San Diego for a few days.  It had been a while since we visited, and it was a treat to see my parents (Mimi and Papa), and Steve, Stacey, Soph and Nolan.  We had no big plans, other than to meet baby Brynn Stewart (she is a doll), spend some time at the beach, pool and enjoying the sun.  I think we achieved it all!

Audrey's Seat on the Plane

 Nolan's not even 2 yet and he's almost as big as Amelia!

Nolan rockin' his big sister's pink glitter shoes.

Dress up and snuggles with Hennessey

Silly Mimi playing pirate with Amelia at the Catamaran brunch

 Audrey enjoying the show
 Beachside at the Catamaran

 Pretty girl.

 Aunt Stacey and Audrey
 Cousins!  Audrey- Amelia- Sophia


Visit to Cordiano Family Winery for Pizza and Wine - we met a friendly King Snake

Bocce Ball

 Bernardo Winery Craft Fair:
Insanely creative crafter made all things imaginable out of recycled cashmere and wool sweaters

Playing in the backyard blow up pool.  

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