May 01, 2012

Miss Personality

Audrey's personality is hysterical.  From the noises she makes, her timing with facial expressions, the "jokes" she makes and the trouble she finds, Audrey is turning into quite a gal!  When she's frustrated, she makes a guttural sound "kkkuh" - unfortunately I can trace it back to a sound I made when she was wrangling herself away from my grasp.  We all think it is hilarious and this has only resulted in her doing it more and more...

Her silliness includes walking backwards -just because she can, putting her blanket over her head and yelling so that you'll play peek-a-boo with her, giving high-fives while saying "five", "cheers"-ing everything (even when she has food in her hand instead of a sippy cup), climbing on top of tables, chairs, and falling out of the cozy coupe.  She loves to pull the blooms off of all our growing plants in the backyard.  We try to tell her no, but she just looks straight in our eyes, and SNAPs it off!  sometimes she'll walk over and say "no, no, no" to the plants.

Audrey eats constantly, and more than ever wants to feed herself.  She makes me get the food (think egg, pasta, etc) onto a fork and then she wants to hold it herself and put it in her mouth.  this happens over and over again.  She is so proud to do it.  Audrey also likes to rub food all over her face and into her hair (see pic below of banana head).  We can hardly keep up.

Enjoying Easter Brunch

Not drinking the Coronita ( :) ) but rather enjoying the cool glass.

Look Ma!  I stacked the cups!

One of her favorite looks - the melissa and doug wooden tongs around her neck, while holding a wooden pretend shot in her mouth.  She thinks it is hysterical.

No hands!  Imagine this is accompanied by a flood of giggles.

Banana Head - yes, this is a hairstyle that incorporates a mashed banana.


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